Horse & Co Saddle Fitting Day

On Saturday the 25th May 2019, Naomi will be offering saddle fitting services from 9am until 3pm at Horse & Co in Dayboro at discounted rates. Please register your interest via message to the Horse & Co Facebook page or by calling them directly onĀ 0424677393 or email [email protected]. Naomi is a fully accredited master saddle fitter who is able to alter saddles onsite including flocking, gullet changes, Cair & Flair panel replacements and restoration including leather work. At Horse & Co there will be a range of new and used saddles that you are able to choose from if you don’t already have one in mind. Each fitting includes an assessment of your horse and your chosen saddle as well as horse/rider combination with the fitted saddle. Places are very limited so please contact Horse & Co ASAP to arrange.